When this need is not met with some degree of satisfaction, a person will generally experience a sense of detachment from people in general, mild to severe depression, and worst of all feel unloved. Each of us belongs to the Family of God and have felt His perfect love in abundance. The undetected, spiritual remembrance of such love, instilled within every human heart, is a blessing from God intended to bring forth the desire in every individual to form their own family, in order to become like Him.
In this life then, it is natural for us to have a need to reconnect with the truth of who we really are - a child of God. Without the knowledge of our former existence and divine destiny (or testimony of such), many of our brothers and sisters have been persuaded to accept the current, progressive ideology that either a mother or a father is not necessary for the forming of a strong family; now being distorted in its 'modern' definition as two adults of any gender, legally bound (or not) who bring children into that coupling through various means including adoption, surrogacy, or laws created to support the distortion of what constitutes the natural, ideal family unit. The result of which is that the inherent entitlement of every child born is completely disregarded for the demands of a minority.
"Heavenly Father has made each of us unique. No two of us have exactly the same experiences. No two families are alike. So it is not surprising that advice about how to choose happiness in family life is hard to give. Yet a loving Heavenly Father has set the same path to happiness for all of His children. Whatever our personal characteristics or whatever will be our experiences, there is but one plan of happiness. That plan is to follow all the commandments of God." ~ President Henry. B. Eyring, October 2013 General Conference
The adversary is acutely aware of our pre-earth existence
Satan knows that his work is greatly threatened whenever the veil of forgetfulness is pierced, even momentarily, giving the forgetful son or daughter of God inklings of spiritual remembrance, which will likely cause them to pause and consider the possibility of something more, and often because of how they've tried or are trying to unknowingly recreate their former family experience, which perhaps, for one reason or another, isn't working so well.
Therefore, Satan places his greatest emphasis on undermining God's plan of happiness, centered in the family, by directing a concerted effort in the blatant distortion of, not only what constitutes a family, but also relationships between men and women set apart by God, for distinct and important purposes, in order to bring about their exaltation.
Therefore, we credit him as the author of divorce, demands for gender equality, same-sex marriage, adoption of children by gay couples, and in fact, every social and cultural ideology to redefine the family and what is marriage, which have come about with the intent to abolish the necessity and importance of the traditional family in society.
Currently, Satan's work appears to be effective as his lies are successfully embedded into the minds of the liberal media through politics, pop culture, entertainment, social science, etc., enabling his voice to strongly influence worldwide thought. The result being, a perceived, broad and negative attitude surrounding all things having to do with family, marriage, gender, equality, etc., having any basis in religious beliefs and moral values as both antiquated and not welcome in the public square of intellectual opinion.
Satan knows that his work is greatly threatened whenever the veil of forgetfulness is pierced, even momentarily, giving the forgetful son or daughter of God inklings of spiritual remembrance, which will likely cause them to pause and consider the possibility of something more, and often because of how they've tried or are trying to unknowingly recreate their former family experience, which perhaps, for one reason or another, isn't working so well.
Therefore, Satan places his greatest emphasis on undermining God's plan of happiness, centered in the family, by directing a concerted effort in the blatant distortion of, not only what constitutes a family, but also relationships between men and women set apart by God, for distinct and important purposes, in order to bring about their exaltation.
Therefore, we credit him as the author of divorce, demands for gender equality, same-sex marriage, adoption of children by gay couples, and in fact, every social and cultural ideology to redefine the family and what is marriage, which have come about with the intent to abolish the necessity and importance of the traditional family in society.
Currently, Satan's work appears to be effective as his lies are successfully embedded into the minds of the liberal media through politics, pop culture, entertainment, social science, etc., enabling his voice to strongly influence worldwide thought. The result being, a perceived, broad and negative attitude surrounding all things having to do with family, marriage, gender, equality, etc., having any basis in religious beliefs and moral values as both antiquated and not welcome in the public square of intellectual opinion.
Satan's work is completely anti-Christ in every possible way. God's work is to bring to pass the salvation of each of His children, through the plan of happiness, whereby exaltation is fixed and immovable for every one of His children born into mortality; accomplished through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
Satan's refusal to accept that the Work God Commissioned of Jesus Christ is "finished"!
Satan's refusal to accept that the Work God Commissioned of Jesus Christ is "finished"!
At the completion of the work (Atonement), that God commissioned His Son Jesus Christ to accomplish, by an oath and covenant, while hanging on the cross at Calvary, having taken upon himself the sins of all mankind in Gethsemane, Jesus, in agony, uttered these words, "It is finished".
Immediately after He spoke those blessed words, our Savior gave up His perfect life as a spotless sacrifice for every brother and sister belonging to the family of God, thus fulfilling His Father's will; ensuring that all mankind are saved and Exaltation is assured for all of God's children.
Immediately after He spoke those blessed words, our Savior gave up His perfect life as a spotless sacrifice for every brother and sister belonging to the family of God, thus fulfilling His Father's will; ensuring that all mankind are saved and Exaltation is assured for all of God's children.
The God-given use of individual agency is the power to claim our Exaltation; fixed and immovable through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Finished. Done. Satan has no authority by which anything he does can affect the victory of Jesus Christ over physical and spiritual death. Nor can Satan's power to influence us to choose evil, take away the ability of a single soul to receive exaltation; unless a person chooses to give Satan their power by choosing him (evil) - the exact opposite of what we all fought for in the war in heaven.
In order for each child of God to claim their Exaltation (waiting at pick-up) they must once again choose God's "Finished" work, over Satan's lies (the world), in word and in deed; spiritually and physically.
Two Witnesses
Every person born (ability to progress) into mortality claimed (inherited), by keeping (choosing God), our first estate: first, the continued use of our God-given agency to make a choice between right or wrong... and second, a physical body, in order to act on a choice made. The purpose: to learn from the consequence of our choices to know good from evil and determine to choose the good, or rather God. (read about plan of happiness)
Here's another way to look at it... as a spirit in our pre-mortal state, through the exercise of God-given agency (self-will), we all made the conscious choice to follow Jesus Christ, in opposition to the reason that war broke out in heaven: Satan's rebellion against God's plan, presented to us by Jesus.
Using Agency to Choose God
In choosing the Savior Jesus Christ, over Satan, our Heavenly Father (author of the plan) added upon our ability to progress, an earthly experience that would help us become like our Heavenly Parents. In providing this mortal experience (opportunity to gain more knowledge), through physical birth (receive a body), we must walk by faith and choose to follow Jesus Christ, and accept His Atonement, over Satan's continued attempts to convince us of how we obtain happiness (good versus evil).
The conditions brought about through mortal existence provide a proving ground where our choice to follow the Savior is manifest and made acceptable by the law of witnesses, word and deed, (spiritual/agency and physical/body), in the midst of a fullness of opposition (knowledge of good and evil) in order to claim our divine destiny as sons and daughters of God.
In order for each child of God to claim their Exaltation (waiting at pick-up) they must once again choose God's "Finished" work, over Satan's lies (the world), in word and in deed; spiritually and physically.
Two Witnesses
Every person born (ability to progress) into mortality claimed (inherited), by keeping (choosing God), our first estate: first, the continued use of our God-given agency to make a choice between right or wrong... and second, a physical body, in order to act on a choice made. The purpose: to learn from the consequence of our choices to know good from evil and determine to choose the good, or rather God. (read about plan of happiness)
Here's another way to look at it... as a spirit in our pre-mortal state, through the exercise of God-given agency (self-will), we all made the conscious choice to follow Jesus Christ, in opposition to the reason that war broke out in heaven: Satan's rebellion against God's plan, presented to us by Jesus.
Using Agency to Choose God
In choosing the Savior Jesus Christ, over Satan, our Heavenly Father (author of the plan) added upon our ability to progress, an earthly experience that would help us become like our Heavenly Parents. In providing this mortal experience (opportunity to gain more knowledge), through physical birth (receive a body), we must walk by faith and choose to follow Jesus Christ, and accept His Atonement, over Satan's continued attempts to convince us of how we obtain happiness (good versus evil).
The conditions brought about through mortal existence provide a proving ground where our choice to follow the Savior is manifest and made acceptable by the law of witnesses, word and deed, (spiritual/agency and physical/body), in the midst of a fullness of opposition (knowledge of good and evil) in order to claim our divine destiny as sons and daughters of God.
Each of us, all brothers and sisters in the Great Family of God have been given everything necessary (agency/body/mortality), in order to claim the fullness of the blessings of God reserved for the faithful. In choosing to follow Jesus Christ and receive His plan we opened the door that enables us to make and keep sacred covenants through which God gives us power from on high, necessary for re-entry into His loving Presence to reunite with our Eternal Family, in our Heavenly Home.
Every son and daughter of God can lay hold upon our assured eternal destiny. We must exercise our agency to choose the right, or God, resulting in the natural consequence of the Atonement of Jesus Christ: Exaltation!
Every son and daughter of God can lay hold upon our assured eternal destiny. We must exercise our agency to choose the right, or God, resulting in the natural consequence of the Atonement of Jesus Christ: Exaltation!
In a world where so many are now inclined to reject absolute truth, embracing the man-made ideology that there is no right and wrong, nor good versus evil, thus giving allowance for many to blatantly refuse to acknowledge that every choice they make (right or wrong) brings about its inevitable consequences directly related to good (God) or evil (Devil), in effect delay and/or reject at-one-ment with our Father in Heaven.
This is the reason The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is obsessed with teaching the world the importance of forming families in the way God has ordained. Everything contrary will keep us from our Father in Heaven's perfect love, and the great blessing of reuniting with the family of God. To those faithful, will be added the family we chose to create here in mortality, made Eternal.
The ultimate expression of God's perfect love for His children is to bestow upon all those who love Him and keep His commandments, His way Life, which is Eternal, and with His Family right beside Him.
Watch this video by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, about the importance and blessings that come, when we choose to form families in the way God has ordained.
These are some of the doctrines and principles that I heard expressed in the video, which I believe will touch the hearts of many as we share it with friends and family, and perhaps even create the opportunity to discuss some of these things.
Kathryn Skaggs
Henry B. Eyring: To My Grandchildren
Clarifying My Position on Mormon Women and Equality
Mormon.org: Strengthening Families
Note: reposted from October 2013
This is the reason The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is obsessed with teaching the world the importance of forming families in the way God has ordained. Everything contrary will keep us from our Father in Heaven's perfect love, and the great blessing of reuniting with the family of God. To those faithful, will be added the family we chose to create here in mortality, made Eternal.
The ultimate expression of God's perfect love for His children is to bestow upon all those who love Him and keep His commandments, His way Life, which is Eternal, and with His Family right beside Him.
Watch this video by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, about the importance and blessings that come, when we choose to form families in the way God has ordained.
Mormon Video: Home and Family
The Family is central to God's plan
These are some of the doctrines and principles that I heard expressed in the video, which I believe will touch the hearts of many as we share it with friends and family, and perhaps even create the opportunity to discuss some of these things.
The Family is central to God's plan
The Family: A Proclamation to the World, is an inspired document, which teach the core beliefs and definition of a family. The Ideal family is led by a father and a mother in the home
Single parents are blessed through their membership in the Church, which connects them to the family of God, and where they receive needed help and encouragement.
Being a faithful member of the Church connects us to God's family.
God cares about marriage and family, because He cares about how we raise and teach our children.
God cares about how we treat our husband or wife.
Families built upon correct principles here, have the potential to become an eternal family.
The true source of happiness is found in the family as God has ordained.
What people often see in happy families, formed God's way, is their testimony of eternal life.
Taking time to study the gospel together builds a strong family.
Our families are the great defense against the outside world.
"With the help of the Holy Ghost, all truths will be brought to our remembrance. We cannot force that on others, but we can let them see it in our lives. We can always take courage from the assurance that we all once felt the joy of being together as a member of the beloved family of our Heavenly Father. With God’s help we can all feel that hope and that joy again." ~ President Henry B. Eyring
Kathryn Skaggs
Henry B. Eyring: To My Grandchildren
Clarifying My Position on Mormon Women and Equality
Mormon.org: Strengthening Families
Note: reposted from October 2013
It's nice to see you blogging again.
ReplyDeleteThank you! Most of my efforts these days are spent over on Mormon Women Stand. So nice to 'see' you!