Kathie Lee Gifford Bears Witness of Jesus Christ on Today Show

Katie Lee testifies of Jesus Christ on Today Show
Kathie Lee Gifford took a priceless opportunity to bear witness of Jesus Christ by way of a very touching tribute to her husband Frank, who recently passed away. I'm not one to say much publicly about TV personalities, but I've decided to make an exception in this case.

I don't watch the Today Show but as a young mother, I did watch her on the Regis and Kathie Lee Show and came to respect her for her openly religious faith as a Christian woman. Even then, it was a rarity to see such a display. This for me makes her very faith-based and heartfelt thoughts about her late husband today even more extraordinary and very appreciated. 

Included in her remarks, was an invitation to all to come unto Christ. How beautiful when someone of her public stature uses the media to stand for Jesus Christ and how living the gospel has blessed their lives.

I hope Kathie Lee's example and testimony is inspiring to many and my reason for sharing it with you. May the Lord bless her and her family at this difficult time.

Please scroll down to video below. (Note: there seems to be some problems viewing video. Perhaps it is because it is currently going viral. If so, please click on above link in her name.)


Kathryn Skaggs
