A Mother's Inspired Plea Outside Abortion Clinic: Let US Adopt Your Baby!

Allison MacKay Abortion Adoption
We've all been either observing or engaging in a conversation recently about abortion. Planned Parenthood is on the hot seat because of horrific videos being released that for me are too difficult to watch let alone discuss (and rightfully so). The reality of abortion and the heinous acts by those involved is something akin to murder right before our eyes -- a reality most find hard to believe and so we don't. Not only hard to believe, but because of the global norm of it all, utterly helpless to make it stop! But not today, not this woman...

Allison Hansen Mackay posted these powerful photos (publicly) on her Facebook wall with this message and a call to stand with her:

I have been pondering and praying about this for a long time. Today, with love and tears, I taught my children about abortion. And then we went and did something about it!

Will you stand with me?

Allison MacKay Abortion Adoption
Responding to a comment on the photo from another women who said that adoption is her and her husband's only answer to ever have a baby, Allison shared these thoughts:

"There are thousands of parents aching for a baby and sometimes women who find themselves at a clinic like that just don't see another REAL option..."

smile emoticonI believe this mother is inspired. I think she may just have begun something extraordinary.


Kathryn Skaggs 

For information about the official position of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon) on the issue of abortion please refer to this excellent resource published on Mormon Women Stand.

Abortion: The Mormon Perspective on Abortion and Human Life


  1. I am bracing for a scathing attack when I write this.

    However, there are a lot of aborted babies from the inner cities where the mothers are hard core addicts and will not care for themselves during pregnancy, won't eat properly and will continue to take hard drugs. In enough cases to be statistically significant, they also have additional risk factors associated.

    Most people who want to adopt a baby are not willing to deal with a very low IQ crack baby/trick baby, etc. who is born addicted and must be weened off heroin, cocaine, etc. as it withdraws. The same is true with fetal alcohol syndrome. Many of these babies are aborted. Those who are born end up becoming wards of the state. Those with an IQ above that of a beagle usually end up either as career criminals or working very low end jobs. I am not saying that the don't deserve life.

    I'm simply pointing out that the supply of LDS women and men who would want to take on this lifetime burden - times- X number of crack babies is not endless. It's vastly expensive in terms of both money, the space to raise them, and rehab education. And usually if the parent dies, the siblings don't want them (from personal observations).

    Fire at will at me.

    1. No need. You know that to those who stand for life, nothing you stated will make a difference. And certainly not to the many men and women who desperately long for a baby, desperate to become parents regardless of the circumstances. And from one who has been through five pregnancies of my own, each and every time I had to deal with the "what ifs" and prepare before hand for "come what may"... I trust that, with the Lord and His grace I would have managed.

    2. I just want you to know that I have several friends who have adopted those children that you described. They are heroes to me. It is not easy to adopt a child with those issues, but those lives still have value, especially to those amazing couples who are willing and able to deal with those children's emotional and physical struggles.

      Have hope! Difficult lives are still worth living.


    3. LL: A reader by the name of Chrystina Swain is having problems commenting on the blog and asked me to relay the following in response to your comment:

      "I have many friends that have adopted inner city drug addicted babies. Yes, it is work for some, it is also a choice they choose willingly. There would be a lot more adoptions if it weren't so expensive."

    4. I watched a family go through adopting a baby addicted to heroine. It took under 2 months to get him weened off with the proper meds, but he's happy and healthy and will be sealed, soon, to this wonderful family. There are happy beginnings for lots of high risk babies who are placed.

    5. I have twin nephews, former crack babies, who are now in college.

    6. I have adopted two "unadoptable" children. One was drug and alcohol exposed and has profound disabilities and will be in my care as long as he is living. He is the light of my life and an absolute joy to all who know him. The other was born with a terminal medical condition and passed away at 3.5 years old, who in his short life astounded everyone with progress he was never supposed to make, whom I miss terribly and think of daily. I only hope to be able to adopt another child, or two, or five, and would be honored to love and cherish any child, no matter their circumstances or abilities. All children are a gift and a blessing.

    7. The term "crack baby" is VERY offensive, right up there with the "R" word, your use of it makes your argument dismissive, whether it is true or not. Drug affected or drug exposed would be the proper term to use. Such harsh labels do nothing for our beautiful children, but make them feel they are worthless and unwanted, and they are not!

    8. Next time I will say, "baby addicted to crack". Sometimes harsh labels aid in the definition of a very harsh reality. Having had the experience of working among those unfortunate children, I have seen situations where parents took the children and then gave them back. It happens. There are people who are able to rise above drug addition from birth. I have a relative who did it. My comments did not intend to devalue them as people. Only to suggest that handing them out like "Indian placement program children" sometimes has unfortunate and unintended consequences.

  2. I am one of those moms who is presently raising a drug exposed foster child.. I wish with all of my soul that she could be mine for eternity.. There are many of us out there who are willing to love and nuture because it is who we are...

  3. Amen. We don't pretend adopting drug addicted Fetal alcohol childen made us heroes or that every day is a rewarding experience. But we do our best. And for those kids it made all the difference. We will have them with us as long as we are alive. They will surely out live us and become a burden to some one else who didn't choose to save them. But some day we believe they will be made whole through the power of christ. And they can then tell us weather or not we did right by them. Everyone needs a protector especially when they can't do it themselves. No matter what age.

  4. I have to wonder why women who don't want babies or are addicts etc just don't get their tubes tied? Now that would be something the government should be willing to pay for. But to wait until after the child is conceived to abort it is irresponsible and murder, plain and simple.

  5. I am a birth mom and the best and hardest thing I did in my situation was give that baby boy to a loving mom and dad. I couldn't imagine a world without him in it! He is now in medical school making something great out of the life he's been given! I have a friend and I love and admire him and his parents!


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