I Can't Go to World Congress of Families So I'm Sending Angela!

Angela Fallentine (You all remember our courageous defender of the family!) needs our help to send her to next month's World Congress of Families, being held in Sydney, Australia. Angela has agreed that she'll report back, right here, and keep us informed with ongoing updates throughout this very important global conference on the FAMILY!

As soon as Angela told me about her desire to attend WCF, but her lack of means to get there, I was excited to get involved and help raise funds to get her there, as a way of vicariously going myself; and you can go, too! Angela knows that preserving the family means as much to all of us here at WBMW, as it does to her; she just needs a little help from a few good friends.

One of the highlights of this year's World Congress of Families is getting to hear our own Sheri Dew, who will be a keynote speaker (Trying to not be totally jealous.), who yes, Angela will, in our place, go and listen to, and report back, right here, on everything she has to say on the family! 

There isn't a more wonderful person to address World Congress of Families than Sheri Dew!

In a world where women are turning away from the family and losing as their first priority the nurture and care of children, Sherri Dew stands at the forefront of successful, independent single women, who, no doubt would have given it all up, in a heartbeat, for a family of her own. I have such deep respect for her, in that as she has forged ahead in both her church assignments, with faithful dedication, as well her very successful, professional career, she has never missed the opportunity to share her  humble testimony of where her inner most desires truly reside.

Now, back to the purpose of this post!

This is a great opportunity to have Angela go to WCF and bring back to us what she learns in helping to preserve the family! I know she'll do a great job. If each of us contribute whatever amount we are able, I am confident it will be money well invested! Not only that, your donation will say that YOU stand for FAMILY!

By golly, the way I see things, if I can't go to World Congress of Families then I'm going to do everything I can to help Angela go, because I know she is just as passionate about traditional marriage and family as I am, and will soak up every minute of the conference as I would, and will do an even better job than I would of reporting back here to all of us about what she learns! Not a bad return for whatever small amount we are willing to give her to attend.

So, to my faithful WBMW readers...

Let's send Angela to World Congress of Families!  


  1. " Sherri Dew stands at the forefront of successful, independent single women, who, no doubt would have given it all up, in a heartbeat, for a family of her own."

    Dew seems like a strong-willed woman. If she wanted to be married, don't you think she would be?

    1. I've actually heard Sister Dew speak about this on a few occasions, where she goes into a bit of her personal life on the matter, and from what she does share, it's very clear that the opportunity to marry the right person has not happened for her, yet.


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