Even YOU Are a Child of God!

Yes, even YOU are a Child of God! The most powerful knowledge that anyone of us can have, in this life, is to KNOW that we are children of God! The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints teaches this powerful truth -- that each one of us are literally the spirit children of our Heavenly Father, and that before we came to this earth we lived with Him in Heaven. 

The Plan of Salvation teaches us that this earth was created for us, so that we through our own experience of choosing between good and evil, will learn to choose the good and ultimately become like Him -- in every way! That's a very powerful doctrine!

John 17:3 is one of my favorite verses in all of scripture:

And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

As we come to know God, who is our Father in Heaven, and learn of His characteristics and attributes, we begin to better understand our own divine potential. It is through His Son, Jesus Christ, that we have been given the perfect example of how we should live to become more like Him -- and have Eternal Life!

This beautiful Mormon Messages video reminded me that no matter how old we are in this life, we are STILL and always will be -- A Child of God!

I hope you'll take the time to share this video message with your family and friends. It's a great reminder for all of us --  and if you didn't know this, now you do!



  1. What a beautiful child. Great post. I am feeling child-like today, and wish someone would just take over and help me out.

  2. Hi Delia,

    When I think of the scriptural admonition that we should become as a little child, I can't help but think of the humility that is required to turn to the Lord when we have need, and to ASK others for help when we need it, too. i wish I were there to lift your burden today:)


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