Prop 8 in Plain English - What is Prop 8?


  1. The California Supreme Court is in Sacramento, not San Francisco, so "four San Francisco judges" is incorrect. Interestingly enough, they were all Republican appointees, too.

  2. Joe -

    Thank you for that "factual" information. Do you know if those republican judges, perhaps live in San Francisco:-) ? BC, that would make them "San Francisco Judges", right?


  3. ms. lee -

    Thank you for taking the time to share your passionate feelings about why traditional marriage, and preserving it, are imperative.

    You have made some excellent points, in regards to "equality". Men and women are created as equals, and yet, because of their very distinct biological differences - these very distinct features, require each other, who is different biologically from them - to then reproduce that which is equal once again. So men and women are equally needful of one another, literally - for life. This planet depends on just that:-)

    I find it fascinating that "nature" has polarized men and women, who are equal, and yet produced that which must bring them together as one, male and female. It is a beautiful display of equality, IMHO.


  4. Great comments! And Joe, California's Supreme Court IS in San Francisco:

    Supreme Court of California
    350 McAllister Street
    San Francisco, CA 94102-4797

  5. Laurel -

    Thank you for that clarification:-)



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