Relief Society Broadcast - A Call For LDS Women To Stand!

It is most always my habit when listening to our various General Conferences, to have my hands on my keyboard taking notes, or to have a notepad in hand. I am a note-taker. For some strange reason, I did not feel compelled to take notes at the recent General Relief Society Broadcast. Instead, I felt a distinct impression - to just listen...

I have spent the last little while scouring the Internet to see if anyone has transcribed the talks yet, but to no avail. Funny, but there are quite a few different LDS blogs that will race, prior to the Church officially releasing the transcripts, to get these out fast! After all, in order to take a man, or a woman "for a word", it is important to have those words perfectly correct.

I had an interesting thought about the Women's Relief Society broadcast of last year, as compared to this year. I am pretty darn sure, if my memory serves me right, that last year - there were many to immediately make available the words of Julie Beck, in particular. Anyway, I have decided that the lack of immediate text from the Relief Society General Broadcast this year, is a good sign.

I decided to spend a little bit of time checking out various LDS blogs, that would normally be discussing Julie Beck's comments, and others who spoke along side of her. Thus far, I have been pleasantly surprised. It looks as though, even those who in the past who have been, shall we say... not real supportive - are OK!

Now I know that I could easily be ahead of myself here, because after all - LDS Leaders have a job to do. Those who have been called of God, are called to declare His truths. Many of these truths are oppositional to the "natural man" in many of us. It just depends on how something strikes us, at a given time in our lives.

Needless to say, I am still awaiting those official transcripts (or women scripture) to be made available, because I was simply blown away, with the powerful Spirit that I personally felt. This carried me throughout the entire Relief Society General Broadcast. I felt a call to stand even taller as an LDS woman! Perhaps it was just me, because I needed to be pushed harder to do good and to be better. But, it wasn't a guilt talk - like those in the past, where I just didn't measure up, even with a pep talk. This year's General Women's Broadcast felt different - important. I look forward to getting those transcripts and really digging into them.



  1. LDSNana--

    I was able to catch the first few minutes of the conference, and it struck me how calm and wise the word of God is conveyed. Sister Beck is such a wonderful person, who speaks with humility and from her heart.

    Thank you for this site, and the good job you're doing. I need to look through more of your posts.

    After recently reading Elder Ballard's call to stand up for the church on the Internet in a friendly way, I see you're already off to a great start. It's a good example of what the rest of us can do.

  2. Rusty -

    My husband as well, took a "sneak-peek" into the room while I was watching the General Relief Society Broadcast. I think his feelings were similar to yours.

    I really enjoy speaking and blogging about the LDS Church. It has blessed my life tremendously.

    I am so grateful for Elder Ballard's invitation to members in general, to engage in positive conversations about the Church. It has given me greater confidence, to go and do more.



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