Day of Revelation...

Today, was a great day for me personally. Yes, I know -- it was also a great day in the history of the Mormon Church...

Today was a day of personal revelation, that is the hallmark of membership for those of us who belong to the Mormon Church. It is, I am sure, thought to be a thing of the physical mind; which conjures up the experience that Latter-Day-Saints - bear witness to receiving; by the purely logical mind.

But, Today -- I will continue to stand by this personal and very powerful witness of truth, that comes only through the Spirit of God. For those who know -- there is no need to even try to explain it -- they know. It is not something that I could convince a person to experience. I am certain of this fact.

Today - a prophet of God, one who was chosen, before he was ever born here to mortality; has come to the place for which he was prepared, by God Himself - to be His authorized servant in this last day.

And, Today -- the purpose for which he was prepared, has been revealed through personal revelation, that this which has been done, was always to be.

Today - I remembered, what I knew before I came here. To reveal a thing, is to bring back to our memory, that which we already have known, but has been hidden until the time that we would qualify for having the veil of our minds pulled back.

Today, my mind and my heart were shown -- the will of God; and received assurance in a most powerful way, that the LDS Church, is under His direction.

Today, I know more, of this truth - than I did yesterday.

Today - I feel nearer to my Savior than I ever have before.

Today, my heart if filled with gratitude, for revealed truth in my life; which cannot be known, but only to those who believe.

Today - I believe even more, because of what "I" have seen - and felt - and heard.

I pray that TODAY never ever ends...





  1. "Today - I remembered, what I knew before I came here. To reveal a thing, is to bring back to our memory, that which we already have known, but has been hidden until the time that we would qualify for having the veil of our minds pulled back."

    At a Mormon critic's hub, you recently expressed concern that he was being Platonic -- and that this is somehow bad. Yet here you're being Platonic yourself.

    Mormons being Platonic: good.
    Others being Platonic: bad.

    That's called special pleading, and it's a logical fallacy.


  2. Hi rasqual -
    I think you must be confusing me with another blogger online. I am clueless to your post, but I am glad you came by nonetheless.


  3. As a fellow follower of Jesus Christ, thanks for your good words and good works. I found you on hub pages and am glad I did. Thank you.

  4. crranches,

    I too am glad you have found my blogs and hope that you will continue to add your voice...



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